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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

6 Ways you could be a Nerd

How do you know if you are a nerd? Well there are many ways you can find out. Here are 10 ways you could be a nerd.

#6 Knowing facts that no one else knows

Do you know what PI means? Not the kind you eat but the actually number? Do you know the Atomic chart? Do you know detailed facts about tv series like the big bang theory or Myth Busters? Then you may be a nerd or just really knowledgable.

#5 Playing Games

Do you like online gaming, or regular video gaming,  playing magic, chess, bowl, or do play in some kind of boardgame leauge? Then you may be a nerd. Lots of people that are considered nerds like to play games of some sort. This is a great hobby for anyone even if you don't consider your self a nerd.

# 4 Dressing up in costumes other than Halloween

Alot of us nerds like to dress up. I personally have a harry potter and hobbit costume but that's just me. Other nerds like to dress up like Star Wars or Star Trek characters or even comic book and super hero out fits. If you like to dress up then you may be a nerd and have a great imagination!

# 3 Liking Educational movies or shows

You may be a nerd if you like watching educational shows like Myth busters or comedy shows like "Big Ban Theory". If you watch shows likes "Taboo" or the discovery channel or also the Food network then you also still may be a nerd. I love shows like these myself.

# 2 Wearing Galsses

Some people think being a nerd includes wearing glasses. A lot of people try to get contacts to upgrade from glasses, but glasses are still in style. Not all people who wear glasses are nerds though and vise versa not all nerds wear glasses.

# 1 Collecting action figures or comics

If you collect comic or movie action figures, comic books or memoriablia then you may be a nerd. However, being a collector is not a band option especially if you want to keep some historic items for your self.

These are just 6 ways that you may be a nerd, but trust me there are some many other ways you can determine you are a nerd.

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